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University of Minnesota Extension

Roadside turfgrass installation and management

Event information


Self-guided, online course


Eric Watkins, University of Minnesota Extension
[email protected] or 612-624-7496

This self-paced course is for contractors, maintenance operators and engineers from departments of transportation, city or county employees, or anyone seeking knowledge about roadside turfgrasses. The program covers the steps in establishing seed and sod on roadsides, as well as fundamental cultural practices for maintaining turfgrasses on roadsides. This program is applicable to any northern climate.

This self-paced training is offered via the course management system, Canvas. Students are required to complete the course within one year of their registration. It takes approximately 30 hours to complete the course.

Course topics

  • Roadside vegetation management in Minnesota
  • Turfgrass selection for roadsides in the Northern US 
  • Soil preparation for roadsides
  • Seeding roadsides
  • Sodding roadsides
  • Mowing principles and practices
  • Irrigation 
  • Fertilizing of roadsides
  • Weed control for roadsides
  • Diagnosing and managing problems




Registration is ongoing.

Professional development credits


Course sponsors

This course was developed by University of Minnesota Extension with financial support from the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Local Road Research Board under project title, “Expanding the Success of Salt-Tolerant Roadside Turfgrasses through Innovation and Education.”


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